Centro Familiar de Servicios Audiológicos

Our center emerges as an initiative to provide quality services in the prevention of diagnosis and early treatment of hearing problems for all ages. Early diagnosis and treatment of hearing problems is of great importance. For children, hearing is essential for adequate speech and language development, for school performance and therefore for integration into the family and school environment. As in childhood, in the remaining stages of life, hearing problems make it difficult to communicate with others, affecting the social, emotional, psychological and even labor aspects, as well as the impact it has on people close to them. We have auditory processing tests for children and adults. We have the headsets at the best price.
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Información de contacto Centro Familiar de Servicios Audiológicos en la ciudad de Carolina, Puerto Rico ✆ Directorio Telefónico

Dirección & Ubicación

Teléfonos & Datos de Contactos

(787) 762 3737 Teléfono - Servicio al Cliente
Contactar a Centro Familiar de Servicios Audiológicos
La empresa recibira un mensaje directo de usted

Horarios de Atención

- 17:00 Lunes
- 17:00 Martes
- 17:00 Miércoles
- 17:00 Jueves
- 12:00 Viernes
- Sábado
- Domingo
- Festivos/Feriados

Parking & Medios de Pagos

N/A 🏁 Parking

Redes Sociales & Página Web


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Encuentre teléfonos, direcciones, página web, contactos y más información de la empresa Centro Familiar de Servicios Audiológicos en ElDirectorio.co el mayor directorio ✆ telefónico empresarial de Puerto Rico.

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